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Jam isn't just for breakfast

And PBJ's anymore

Our Jams are made from Organic or

 certified no-spray fruits and berries



Where I create all these wonderful products !

Jam can be used in many cooking applications:

Any berry jam can be used as a glaze...add peppers, onions, spices.

Raspberry jam as a Salmon glaze, Mango jam over Chicken or Pork,

Prickly Pear jelly on Pork Chops for the barb-a-que,

Tropical syrup in a Chicken stir-fry with ginger.

Jalapeno Jellies are great:

Mix with cream cheese, serve as an appetizer, or pour over brie.

Mix medium jalapeno and cream cheese with your scrambled eggs.

Cook vegetables, baby carrots, green beans or asparagus, drain

and stir in a tablespoon of your favorite jalapeƱo jelly,

Raspberry Jalapeno is the one I use!

Also adds a wonderful glaze to any meat.

Serve a little berry jam on the side of your baked chicken,

wine jelly with your beef roast, mango or pear with your pork chops.

You eat cranberries with your turkey!